Video index
1. Call to Order - Mayor
5. Acceptance of Financial Reports
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Proclamations
8. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3 minutes per person - 40 minutes in total)
9. Village Manager's Report
10. Village Council Reports
11. 21 -02 Authorize Temporary Capital Budget - Approves a temporary Capital Budget to appropriate money for the down payment for the general capital bond ordinance for the 2020 road paving and streetscape program
15. 3835 - Fire Department Salary Ordinance - Sets the salaries for the FMBA and FMBA/SOA for the years 2019-2022
15. 3836 - Bond Ordinance - Street Paving and Streetscape ($2,500,000) - Appropriates this money for the 2021 street paving, streetscape, and other related road work
15. 3837 - Amendment to Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedule of Designated Offenses and Payable Amounts - Amends the Violations Bureau Schedule of Designated Offenses and Payable Amounts to bring the fines charged in line with those charged by other Municipal Courts in Bergen County
15. 3838 - Establish Stop Signs at Eastside Avenue, Albert Place and Maxwell Place - Establishes Stop Signs at Albert Place and Maxwell Place at their intersection with Eastside Avenue
15. 3839 - Supervisors Salary Ordinance - Sets the salaries for the Supervisors Group for the years 2020 - 2023
16. 3833 - Amend Chapter 265 - Vehicles and Traffic - Establish Stop Signs at Shelton Road and Steilen Avenue
16. 3834 - Authorize Renewal of PILOT Agreement-Ridgecrest
18. Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)
Jan 13, 2021 Village Council Public Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order - Mayor
5. Acceptance of Financial Reports
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Proclamations
8. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3 minutes per person - 40 minutes in total)
9. Village Manager's Report
10. Village Council Reports
11. 21 -02 Authorize Temporary Capital Budget - Approves a temporary Capital Budget to appropriate money for the down payment for the general capital bond ordinance for the 2020 road paving and streetscape program
15. 3835 - Fire Department Salary Ordinance - Sets the salaries for the FMBA and FMBA/SOA for the years 2019-2022
15. 3836 - Bond Ordinance - Street Paving and Streetscape ($2,500,000) - Appropriates this money for the 2021 street paving, streetscape, and other related road work
15. 3837 - Amendment to Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedule of Designated Offenses and Payable Amounts - Amends the Violations Bureau Schedule of Designated Offenses and Payable Amounts to bring the fines charged in line with those charged by other Municipal Courts in Bergen County
15. 3838 - Establish Stop Signs at Eastside Avenue, Albert Place and Maxwell Place - Establishes Stop Signs at Albert Place and Maxwell Place at their intersection with Eastside Avenue
15. 3839 - Supervisors Salary Ordinance - Sets the salaries for the Supervisors Group for the years 2020 - 2023
16. 3833 - Amend Chapter 265 - Vehicles and Traffic - Establish Stop Signs at Shelton Road and Steilen Avenue
16. 3834 - Authorize Renewal of PILOT Agreement-Ridgecrest
18. Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)
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